Wayfinding Signage - What It Is and Why You Need It

Wayfinding Signage - What It Is and Why You Need It

Today we're going to take a look at wayfinding signage and let you know why it is important.

We've been in the custom sign industry in Ontario for over 10 years and we'd love to share our expertise with you.

We'll also outline the different types of wayfinding signage and their purposes. So let's get going.


Learn about the different types of wayfinding signage


What Is Wayfinding Signage and Why Is it Important

Wayfinding signage, as its name suggests, helps you find your way around a business, institution, or other physical location. It will direct you from point to point and confirm your progress along a route. This type of signage is especially helpful for:

  • Office and medical buildings; hospitals

  • Educational and financial institutions

  • Tourist attractions

  • Restaurants and bars

  • Malls, retail outlets, and car dealerships

Strictly speaking, wayfinding signage is not a form of advertising or promoting; however, it does play an important role in portraying a positive company image.

If you have effective and clear wayfinding signage, your customers will feel comfortable in your building. They will also feel empowered as they will be able to find what they are looking for without having to ask for assistance.

There are four different types of wayfinding signage: identification, informational, directional, and regulatory.


Wayfinding signage helps your visitors find what they are looking for on their own


Wayfinding Signage: Identification

The most common type of wayfinding signage is identification signs. This type of sign will let your visitors know that they have arrived at their desired destination in your building.

Some examples of this type of signage includes:

  • Door plaques telling you whose office it is

  • Signs that tell you what department you are in such as customer service or accounting

  • Signs that point out a landmark such as a historical or plaque.

Identification signs can also serve as a general landmark such as a sign on the wall behind your reception desk that has your company's name and logo on it which clearly identifies which business you are visiting.

These types of signs can be very helpful especially if you are in a large building that has several different businesses or organizations sharing the same facility. Identification signs need to be straightforward and uncluttered so that they can be understood in just a few seconds.


Identification signs tell you that you have arrived


Wayfinding Signage: Informational

Informational signage is similar to identification signage, however it tends to be a bit more general and will apply to the overall building. You should place informational signs in an area where a large number of people will be able to see it such as your lobby, waiting rooms, and entrances.

When thinking of the types of informational signs that would be necessary for your particular business, try and think about the types of questions that visitors would be asking and make your signage give clear answers to those questions. For example, your information wayfinding signage should show you:

  • Where the bathrooms are

  • Your hours of operation

  • The address of your building

  • Where the elevators and stairs are located

  • If you have free WIFI

  • Where the cafeteria or other eating areas are

Make sure that you use symbols and language that can be easily and universally understood by everyone at a glance on your informational signage.


Informational signs should be posted where they can easily be seen


Wayfinding Signage: Directional

Directional wayfinding signage will help your customers or visitors navigate to where they want to go. Your signage should be clear enough and place in the appropriate location so that you almost sense that an invisible tour guide is leading you to your destination.

They need to be placed at in areas where there isn't a clear traffic flow such as when you come to a part of your building where there is more than one direction that you can take.

Types of effective directional signs includes:

  • Plaques on a wall at each junction showing you which way to turn

  • A company directory telling you which floor each person's office is on

  • Physical distancing spacing markers, or

  • Even coloured lines on the floor for you to follow.


Directional signs help your customers navigate your building


Wayfinding Signage: Regulatory

The final kind of wayfinding signage that you should include is regulatory signs. Regulatory signage focuses on the safety of your visitors as well as liability concerns.

This type of signage will set boundaries for your visitors and let them know what is acceptable and where they can and cannot go. You should make sure that your regulatory signs are prominent, clear and concise.

Some examples of regulatory signage that you could post in your facility include:


Regulatory signage will inform your visitors of the rules


Tips for Effective Wayfinding Signage

Keep it simple: All of your wayfinding signage should be easy to read and understand. You should be able to glance at a wayfinding sign and know what it says and means within seconds.

Coordinate it: All of your wayfinding signage should be designed to work together. Here are some examples of what we mean:

  • Identification signage should tell you where you are so you can follow directional signs to where you want to navigate to.

  • Your directional signage should easily take you to where you are going and then your identification signage should tell you that you have arrived.

  • Your regulatory signs should keep you out of the areas where you are not allowed to go while you are following your directional signage.

  • Your informational signs in conjunction with your regulatory signs will guide your behaviour while you are in the facility.


AGC Signs: The Best Wayfinding Signs in Ontario

You can trust AGC Signs to design, manufacture and install any type of signage you require, including your different types of wayfinding signage. Here are some of the great signage options that we offer:

Interior Signs
Storefront Signs
Backlit Signs
Development Signs
Wayfinding Signs
Pylon Signs

We have over 10 years of experience in the signage industry in Ontario and we strive to exceed industry standards by providing our clients with superior signage solutions through in-house custom design, fabrication, and installation. Contact us today for a free quote.


"I worked with AGC Signs on a signage project and was really happy with how it turned out. Rhonda took the time to explain to me how everything works and we went back and forth a few times looking at proofs. She was super helpful and I'm really happy with the quality of work I received. Would definitely recommend!" - Lisa Ng